Resident Evil 2 (Prototype)

The prototype version of Resident Evil 2 (a.k.a. BioHazard/Resident Evil 1.5) featured a Pepsi machine in place of the final release’s generic soda machines. Thanks for the screenshot, @expaja!

While the Coca-Soda machine in the screenshots below wasn’t part of Capcom’s Resident Evil 1.5, dedicated fans patched it in later in their quest to “complete” the prototype.

Resident Evil 1.5

Resident Evil 1.5

Resident Evil 1.5

Resident Evil 2

Forget about the flesh-eating zombies; check out that soda machine in Resident Evil 2!

Curiously, this soda machine is replaced with a “Regular Coffee” vending machine in certain version of Resident Evil 2. For example, the screenshot below was taken from the “Fourth Survivor” game mode in the Sourcenext Edition of RE2.