A splash of Sprite product placement next to the Footaction USA product placement in Street Hoops for the GameCube.
Author: decafjedi
How can anyone expect Peter Weller to choose a drink in RoboCop for the PS2 when the soda machine texture is so blurry? Meanwhile, there’s an advertisement for Power Drinkie, America’s first “vitaminic beverage,” in the opening cinematic.
That can’t be right, though, because I know for a fact that a single bottle of Dr. Enuf contains 220% of the recommended daily allowance of thiamine and 80% of the recommended daily allowance of niacin. That’s extremely vitaminic!
Car Town
This dealership in Car Town sells Rocket Punch soda!
Tattoo Tycoon
Check out that soda machine in Tattoo Tycoon!
Final Fight: Streetwise
Final Fight: Streetwise for the Xbox and PlayStation 2 features Capcom’s very own Capcola! Let’s take a closer look at that machine…
Rogue Ops
Nikki Connors creeps up on a Bozza Cola machine in Rogue Ops! (https://youtu.be/tl3pg-0GGS4 )
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
Gabe Logan examines a Cola Pop vending machine in Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror! [Source]
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
Taking advantage of the soda machine in TimeSplitters: Future Perfect! [Source]
Spider-Man 2
Astro Boy
Perusing the soda selection in Astro Boy for PS2!
Space Quest: Incinerations
Not only does Space Quest: Incinerations feature a soda machine, but you earn an achievement for shooting it!
Army of Two: The 40th Day
I appreciate how beautifully this official screenshot from Army of Two: The 40th Day captures the soda machine.
Here’s another look at it…
Monster High: Ghoul Spirit
A macabre soda machine from Monster High: Ghoul Spirit for the Wii! [Source]