Homefront combines the excitement of cover-based shooting with the thrill of soda machine product placement!
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Call of Duty: Black Ops
Mule Kick soda machine from Call of Duty: Black Ops!
And while I’m on the subject of Call of Duty, here’s a Jugger-Nog machine from Black Ops 3!
I’m coming to the realization that zombie mode in the Call of Duty series is mostly soda machines. The machine stuck in the elevator above (from Black Ops 2) dispenses Who’s Who soda.
Finally, we have Electric Cherry from Black Ops 2 — only 5¢!
Dead to Rights
My canine partner Shadow sniffs out a soda machine in Dead to Rights! [Source]
The Punisher
The Last of Us
Thirsty after fighting off mutant cannibals in The Last of Us? Try a Special Cola! [Source]
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
At least this Russian village in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare has a soda machine! [Source]
Green Demon Soda, Spiral Soda, and Squishy Pop from John Woo’s Stranglehold! [Source]
In Case of Emergency, Release Raptor
If velociraptors know how to open doors, I can only assume they’re also capable of opening soda cans. Thanks, @PizzaCube!
A Sound of Thunder
Need a break after battling rampaging dinosaurs in A Sound of Thunder for the Game Boy Advance? How about a cola?
Sprunk from the Grand Theft Auto series crosses over into Manhunt!
Postal 2
Chug Crackola in Postal 2!
Minna no Golf Portable: Coca Cola Special Edition
Minna no Golf Portable: Coca Cola Special Edition for the PSP holds the distinction of being the only golf game, to the best of my knowledge, where the characters use giant Coke bottles instead of golf clubs.
‘Splosion Man
‘Sploda Pop from ‘Splosion Man: It’s Like a ‘Splosion in Your Mouth!
Tomena Sanner
A soda machine arrives just in time to rescue this breakdancing businessman in Tomena Sanner!
Shadow Warrior (2013)
You know a katana is properly sharpened when it can flawlessly slice off the front of a soda machine while leaving the cans intact. Thanks, @InnerPartisan!