Xtreme Sports

Break out your trusty street luge and get ready to compete in Xtreme Sports for the Game Boy Color! The event is sponsored by the Xtreme Cola Company, and you’ll find Xtreme Cola machines scattered around Xtreme Island (home of the aforementioned Xtreme Sports event).

While I’m at it, allow me to introduce the president of the Xtreme Cola Company…


Natsuki Battle Crisis

Natsuki Crisis Battle for the Super Famicon is the kind of game that makes you wonder, “Is that a poorly rendered 16-bit shadow, or is she doing a side kick while levitating over an open manhole?” Maybe it’s best not to think about it and focus instead on the soda machine.


Colors is an unreleased game for the failed Gizmondo that would have tapped into the handheld’s GPS functionality to allow the player to (magically?) play in his or her real-life location. During development, it apparently shifted from a first-person shooter to a GTA-inspired third-person shooter. Soda machines appeared in both incarnations. [Source]

Sorry about the quality of the second screenshot; it’s difficult to track down clear images of unreleased games on handheld systems nobody owned. ? [Source]

The Unsolved

The Unsolved is a FMV adventure game for the Sega Saturn with a definite X-Files vibe. The protagonist is investigating a murder involving a victim who *squints at notes* had all her organs, er, sucked out… through, um, her rectum? Hey, at least there’s a soda machine!