“Pipsi” machine in DayZ!
Author: decafjedi
Postal 3
Postal 3 may have received abysmal reviews, but I give this Crackola vending machine a solid 8 out of 10!
Shannon from Obscure just gave that soda machine a proper thrashing! [Source]
Obscure II
“Hey, wanna see this soda machine I found in Obscure II?”
“Get lost… you jerk!” [Source]
DC Universe Online
Meanwhile, on Brainiac’s ship, the Soft Drink Detective broods next to a tipped-over WHAK! Smashing Cola machine. What kind of criminal scum would do such a thing?!
There we go. Much better.
Ocean City Racing: Redux
Reality Cola from Ocean City Racing: Redux! [Source]
Big Action Mega Fight!
Power Chicken: The Official Energy Drink of Big Action Mega Fight!
Bot Colony
Magma soda machine from Bot Colony!
SiN Episodes: Emergence
Hammer Cola and Grape Drink from SiN Episodes: Emergence. Who knew it could be SO GOOD? Thanks, @_Jackalope_!
Tom Clancy’s The Division
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Refreshing soda machines from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Thanks, @ashlington_hill!
CS:GO also features this stock soda machine asset that previously appeared in Left 4 Dead.
L.A. Noire
Cola King — the soft drink of choice for discerning detectives in L.A. Noire!
Portal Stories: Mel
Ingest your own Aperture Cola in Portal Stories: Mel! The selection is top-notch…
Meanwhile, a drink machine that previously appeared in Left 4 Dead also pops up in Portal Stories: Mel. Thanks for the screenshot, dvarklad!
Black Mirror II: Reigning Evil
This hospital lobby scene from Black Mirror II: Reigning Evil includes a soda machine!