I love the concept behind Back in 1995, a faithful recreation of PlayStation 1-era survival horror and mystery games — soda machines and all! Here’s the same scene with CRT emulation enabled for maximum nostalgia…
Author: decafjedi
Special Forces: Nemesis Strike
Special Forces: Nemesis Strike is yet another covert ops game with what sounds like a bunch of cool action-y words strung together at random, but you can’t fault its vending options.
Majestic Nights
I’m just going to assume Majestic Nights is set in the same universe as Aerosmith’s Revolution X since both games feature Choke Cola machines.
Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops
Enjoy the refreshing taste of Ting (made with real Jamaican grapefruits!) in Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops, an espionage game for Windows.
The super cops in Crackdown for the Xbox 360 can easily leap over soda machines in a single bound!
T.R.A.G.: Tactical Rescue Assault Group – Mission of Mercy
T.R.A.G.: Tactical Rescue Assault Group – Mission of Mercy (also known as Hard Edge in Europe and Japan) belongs to the popular PS1 subgenre of games with pre-rendered backgrounds where the camera angle changes constantly and messes up which direction you’re running. Also, soda machines.
Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~
Is that a WcDonald’s across the street from the soda machines? Thanks for the screenshot, Ironicus!
Ame no Marginal – Rain Marginal –
Ame No Marginal – Rain Marginal – is a visual novel set in a world of endless rain. Occasionally, something interesting washes ashore — like this cola machine. Thanks, Cornelius!
Puppet War
Puppet War is a revolutionary FPS (first-puppet shooter) for iOS. Please try to ignore the naked Muppet charging at me in this screenshot and focus instead on the soda machine with that same naked Muppet’s smiling gob on it.
Naruto Online
Based on my observation, the starting village in Naruto Online boasts somewhere in the neighborhood of a 50:1 ninja/soda machine ratio.
Forgotten Memories: Alternate Realities
Forgotten Memories: Alternate Realities is a Silent Hill-esque game set in an asylum full of creepy mannequins (some of which, needless to say, come to life and attack the protagonist). That said, nothing steadies the nerves after a jump scare like an ice-cold soda!
James Cameron’s Dark Angel
Honestly, it seems like the bad guys in James Cameron’s Dark Angel for the PS2 wasted a lot of effort lugging this soda machine into the stairwell to use as a barricade when Jessica Alba could easily just climb over it.
Trigger Man
Trigger Man for the PS2 is one of the more frustrating games I’ve played for The Video Game Soda Machine Project, but I think this screenshot attests that it was an hour of my life well spent.
Just Survive
These soda machines from Just Survive have certainly seen better days, but that’s the apocalypse for ya!
Metal Reaper Online
You heard the man; let’s rush in and enjoy a refreshing soda in Metal Reaper Online!