The best part about BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle is seeing what happens when soda machines from the BlazBlue, Persona, Under Night In-Birth, and RWBY universes cross over with one another.
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Chrome SpecForce
Chrome SpecForce, a 2005 first-person shooter for Windows, presents the player with a difficult choice: blue or red SyntCola? Either way, it’s hard to believe this series eventually transitioned into a popular web browser. [Source]
Postal 2
Detroit: Become Human
Do androids dream of electric drinks? Detroit: Become Human explores this and other deep philosophical questions through the lens of a combination snack/soda vending machine. Thanks for the screenshot, Gus!
Mall Tycoon 3
Metro Maniac
Tri Zone: R-CADE Edition
In April 2018, I was part of a team of scholars that presented at the Rutgers-Camden Archive of Digital Ephemera (R-CADE) Symposium. For the presentation, our team acquired, restored, and digitally recreated a 1979 Tri Zone pinball machine. Designer Matt Mundell included this bespoke Generic Soda!!! machine in the background as a nod to my work here at the Video Game Soda Machine Project. Thanks, Matt!
From Dusk Till Dawn
APB Reloaded
This is an all-points bulletin. Be on the lookout for cola machine, approximately six feet tall, dispenses regular and diet drinks. Repeat: suspect dispenses regular and diet drinks. Thanks for the screenshot, Ernie!
Pato Box
Pato Box is a stylish adventure/fighting game inspired by Nintendo’s Punch-Out!! series. If you ask me, though, they missed a real opportunity here to reference Soda Popinski on the vending machine. [Source]
The text on this vending machine from first-person survival shooter DESOLATE translates to “a charge of freshness,” which is an above-average drink slogan. [Source]
Why go to the vending machine when the vending machine can come to you? Mr. Vendroid is a walking, talking vending machine that dispenses lemonade and other consumables to Grav players. Thanks for the screenshot, Aylad!