Mr. Pibb: The 3D Interactive Game is a first-person burper — you literally burp at zombies to defeat them — released for DOS in 1998! Thanks, Foone! [Source]
Author: decafjedi
Fabulous: Angela’s High School Reunion
You have to play all the way to Level 28 of Fabulous: Angela’s High School Reunion to find these sodas, but it’s totally worth it.
Porno Studio Tycoon
There’s a row of safe-for-work (glowing?) sodas in this vending machine from Porno Studio Tycoon! Let’s take a closer look…
Resident Evil Outbreak
The camera angle isn’t ideal (as is often the case in Resident Evil games), but you can nevertheless spot a Trish vending machine in this screenshot from Resident Evil Outbreak.
Run Like Hell
Even in the distant future of Run Like Hell, humans require guarana to perform at maximum efficiency. Lucky for us, Bawls is here to help.
In fact, the developers were so stoked about this Bawls machine (or so contractually obligated to feature it) that it showed up in this promotional screenshot for Run Like Hell.
Thanks to Frank Cifaldi of The Video Game History Foundation for tracking down the PR shot!
Fight Fever
Kim Hoon delivers a devastating kick in front of a soda machine in Fight Fever for the Neo Geo. Thanks for the screenshot, Pablo!
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2
Water and soda vending machines line the streets in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2. Thanks, Jonny!
Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop
Soda, for all intents and purposes, is bug-killing fuel. Fortunately, there’s a soda machine in Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop. Thanks, @Sarcasmotron500!
House of the Dead: Overkill
Look out! If these zombies from House of the Dead: Overkill manage to infect you, who will be left to protect that poor soda machine?!
With this entry, the Video Game Soda Machine Project has officially archived 1,000 soda machines. Thanks to everyone who has contributed along the way!
Prey (2017)
It’s a classy wood grain soda machine from the 2017 re-imagining of Prey. Thanks, Pablo!
Estranged: Act I
Stranded on a mysterious island in Estranged: Act I? Maybe a soda will lift your spirits!
Mega Man Battle Network 5
You can’t expect to keep a government research facility running without caffeine and sugar. Fortunately, there’s a soda machine on hand in Mega Man Battle Network 5’s SciLab.
Soda Girls
It’s probably not surprising that a game titled Soda Girls would feature its fair share of soda machines.
The World Ends With You
Can’t defeat your enemies in hand-to-hand combat? The World Ends With You suggests dropping a soda machine on them. Thanks, Rebekah!