Streets of Rage 4

Despite a Berenstein Bears-magnitude Mandela effect surrounding the franchise, Streets of Rage 4 is the first game in the series to feature a soda machine.

Here’s some concept art of the same level, soda machines and all…

Finally, here are a couple of soda machines locked up behind a security checkpoint. Tragic.

A Hat in Time

Who needs a magical hat when you have the magic of carbonated sugar water? In addition to the thrills of millinerial 3D platforming, A Hat in Time’s Seal the Deal DLC also offers these fine vending machines.

Hats off to Katrina for the screenshot!

Shaun White Snowboarding: World Stage

There’s freshies on the super-jib in Tahoe, brah, but we’re gonna need to slam some caffeine before we get out there and shred the gnar in Shaun White Snowboarding: World Stage for the Wii.

There’s even a member of Shaun’s crew who’s obsessed with soda machines. What a weirdo.

Thanks for the heads-up on this one, Matt!

ANNIE: Last Hope

With all these soda machines around, do we really even need to ask the protagonist of ANNIE: Last Hope if she’s okay?

Alternate blurb: So many soda machines in ANNIE: Last Hope, yet here I am without any loose change. Talk about a hard knock life! [Source]

World End Syndrome

So, do you think this soda machine from World End Syndrome is located outside of a restaurant and coffee shop that sells fishing gear on the side, or a fishing gear shop that dabbles in the cafe business? Either way, I admire the owner’s sense of entrepreneurship.

Here’s a look at Sazanami Street after dark…

Thanks for the screenshots, SalarymanDaishi!