

It seems there’s a new Fortnite vending machine among us! Just load up Fortnite’s new (and completely original) Imposters mode, head to the food court, and you’ll find this machine selling snacks and drinks.




We all know about Slurm (“It’s highly addictive!”), but the 2003 Futurama platformer would also like to introduce you to Shiz Cola.

This was yet another streaming discovery, so be sure to follow me on Twitch. You never know when a new soda machine will pop up!

The Beverly Hillbillies

Did you know there was a Beverly Hillbillies point-and-click adventure game released in 1993? Well, there was…and it’s terrible. Honestly, it’s only redeeming quality is this soda machine that’s housed in the Clampett family’s garage.

I discovered this one while streaming The Beverly Hillbillies on my Twitch channel. Be sure to drop by and follow in the event of future soda machine discoveries.

The Secret of Monkey Island

Wow! Frank Cifaldi of the Video Game History Foundation recently took a deep dive into The Secret of Monkey Island’s source code, and one of the discoveries was this early version of the Grog machine from Stan’s Previously Owned Vessels. If you compare the Grog machine from the source code to the one that actually appears in the game (below), you’ll notice the “wave” is more reminiscent of the Coca-Cola logo in the early draft. According to designer Ron Gilbert, this change was mandated by LucasArts’ lawyers to avoid any potential claims of infringement.

If you’re a Monkey Island fan — or just a fan of video game history — you should definitely check out the rest of the article. It’s an absolutely fascinating piece of research.

Ryza Roads

A soda can be a great pick-me-up if you’re feeling tired. Get it? Tired? Because there are stacks of tires in the screenshot.

Anyway, thanks for tracking down this soda machine from island exploration adventure Ryza Roads, Matt!


I was already sold on VirtuaVerse as a cyberpunk point-and-click adventure game with gorgeous pixel art graphics. Throw in a drink machine with this kind of selection, and how can I resist?

Thanks for the screenshots, Ernie!